Google Analytics Academy Bright Chilli go back to school
We have used Google Analytics for more years than we care to remember and use it daily to advise our clients.
Google recently launched an online course Google Analytics Academy and Sara worked through the course and achieved a 93% pass rate :-) and picked up some useful tips during the course.
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a free website tracking tool that provides useful statistics about how people interact with your website.
Website analytics are an essential part of the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and website development toolkit.
Looking at website statistics reveal how people interact with your website which helps provide insight and possible marketing opportunities, for example:
where the users came from? google search,bing search, facebook, twitter
what pages they looked at on your website?– home page, about us, product pages
how long did they stay on your website? – 0 seconds – 5minutes?
where the people live – Dundee, London, India, Australia
how often do people return to your website?
and much, much more.
Every business with a website should have their site tracked with some form of analytics so you can measure and manage performance.
If you want to know more about Google Analytics and how it can help your business email or call Sara on 0844 736 5611